Tuesday 3 March 2015

Journals 2

What happens later



I know not what to do if I dare find myself at the right place.

It's like I'm so used for it all to go south, I have no idea what to do when I see north.
And it's not that I dont want it. Actually, it's the only thing I really want. I just, it doesn't really quite happen for me really.

I dream about it daily, what the north will look, be, felt like.



It's a battle the world.  It's a big war, but not only out there, also it's a war inside me and I dare say, I'm not the only one facing something of that matter.

It's like we are all missing persons and persons of interest at the same time.
We are targets and uncertancy.
Black and white.

But, when do we ever realize what color we want to be?
....If we ever even do
It's weird finding myself again in this position,

Well, no really weird because I'm much familiar to it. I mean it's uncomfortable, because it's not where I want to be yet. 


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